First Generation
The period of the first generation was 1940-1956
In the first generation of computers, vacuum tubes were used to control and transmit electronic signals, in which a lot of computers were built, but they first realized the concept of computer. These tubes were larger in size and generated more heat and were more prone to wear and tear, and were also less capable of computing and the first generation computers took up more space.
In this generation mainly batch processing operating systems were used. In this generation punched card, paper tape, magnetic tape input and output devices were used.
The machine code and power used were wired board languages.
The main features of the first generation are as follows:
vacuum tube technology
machine language
very expensive
sheer size
AC required
lots of power consumption
Some computers of this generation were:
Second Generation
The period of the second generation was 1956–1963.
Transistor was invented in the second generation. During this time, transistors were used together in computers, which were more efficient and cheaper than valves. Which began to be used in place of vacuum tubes for computer manufacturing. The size of transistors is much smaller than that of vacuum tubes. Due to which computers are smaller and their ability to calculate more and faster. Compared to the first generation, they were smaller in size and generated less heat and were capable of performing calculations with greater efficiency and faster speed.
In this generation, as in Fortran, the high-level programming language COBOL was used.
The main features of the second generation are as follows:
l use of transistors
l Smaller size than first generation computers
l generate less heat than first generation computers
l Lower power consumption than first generation computers
l Faster than first generation computers
l very expensive
l Assmebly language
Some computers of this generation were:
IBM 1620
IBM 7094
CDC 1604
CDC 3600
Univac 1108
Third Generation
The period of the third generation was 1964-1971.
Computers of this period could be used together. This synchronized chip became an important basis for the third generation of development, technological efforts were made to further reduce the size of the computer, as a result of which integrated circuits were built on the silicon chip, they were used in computers. As a result of which it was possible to produce the smallest size of computer ever. Their speed ranged from microseconds to nanoseconds, which was made possible through small scale integrated circuits.
Higher level languages (Fortran II for IV, COBOL, PASCAL PL/1, BASIC, ALGOL-68 etc.) were used during this generation.
The main features of the third generation are as follows:
l IC used
l more reliable
l small size
l generate less heat
l fast
l low maintenance
l still expensive
l need ac
l low power consumption
l High level language support
Some computers of this generation were:
IBM-360 Series
Honeywell-6000 Series
PDP (Personal Data Processor)
Fourth Generation
The period of the fourth generation was 1971–1985.
Microprocessor was used in fourth generation computers. VSLI Thousands of transistors could be installed on a single chip. Fourth generation computers used approximately 5000 transistors and other circuit elements on a single chip and their associated integrated VLSI circuits on a large scale. Fourth generation computers were more powerful, compact, reliable and cheaper. As a result, the personal computer (PC) revolution was born.
Real time network distributed operating system was used in this generation.
All high level languages like Adi were used in this generation.
The main features of the fourth generation are as follows:
l Use of VLSI Technology
l very cheap
l Portable and reliable
l PC access
l very small size
l pipeline processing
l Introduced the concept of the Internet
l Great development in the field of network
l computer became readily available
Some computers of this generation were:
star 1000
pdp 11
Cray-1 (Super Computer)
Cray X (Super Computer)
Fifth Generation
In this fifth stage of development, artificial intelligence has been invested in computers. This type of computer is not fully developed yet! We can see such computers in robots and various types of sound programs. It will be more capable than humans.
The fifth generation includes:
neural network
Development of expert systems for decision making in real life situations.
Natural language understanding and generation.
The main features of the fifth generation are as follows:
l ULSI Technology
l Development of artificial intelligence
l Development of Natural Language Processing
l Advances in Parallel Processing
l Advancement in Superconductor Technology
l More user friendly interface with multimedia features
l Availability of very powerful and compact computers at affordable rates
Some of the computer types of this generation are:
Generation in computer terminology is a change in a computer/technology being used. Initially, the generation term was used to distinguish between different hardware technologies. But nowadays, generation includes both hardware and software together to form a complete computer system.
Main five generations of computers
S.No. | उत्पादन एवं विवरण |
1 | पहली पीढ़ी पहली पीढ़ी की अवधि: 1940-1956. वैक्यूम ट्यूब आधारित |
2 | दूसरी पीढ़ी दूसरी पीढ़ी की अवधि: 1956-1963. ट्रांजिस्टर आधारित. |
3 | तीसरी पीढ़ी तीसरी पीढ़ी की अवधि: 1964-1971. इंटीग्रेटेड सर्किट आधारित. |
4 | चौथी पीढ़ी चौथी पीढ़ी की अवधि: 1971-1985. वीएलएसआई माइक्रोप्रोसेसर आधारित |
5 | पांचवीं पीढ़ी पांचवीं पीढ़ी की अवधि: 1980-onwards.ULSI माइक्रोप्रोसेसर आधारित |